
Importance Of Sports Diary In Aiding Sports Dissertation Example

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Free Importance Of Sports Diary In Aiding Sports Dissertation Example

Dissertation Chapter: Introduction and Methodology. Researches on sports motivation have been mainly undertaken through cross-sectional designs that mainly explored individual differences (Bargmann & Ryan, 2003). Bargmann & Ryan (2003) also implicated that the individual experiences of an athlete not only varies from one person to another but also varies from one day to another or from one practice session to another. Bargmann & Ryan (2003) further implicated that the emotional status of an individual can vary across different time periods. On some days, an athlete could be more energetic, motivated and inspired; while during other occasions the same athlete may feel fatigue, tiredness, insecure and lack motivation (Koh et al., 2015). Reis & Gable (2000) indicated that diary studies help an individual athlete to analyze and explore the factors that are associated with their emotional or motivational fluctuations. Bargmann & Ryan (2003) emphasized that retrospection of such fluctuations enable athletes to improve their performance and for undergoing successful rehabilitation from sports injuries. However, most athletes are unable to capture the quantitative and qualitative information regarding their mood, motivation and diurnal activities. Moreover, fluctuations in mood, motivation and diurnal activities of an individual affect their athletic performance. Sports diary or training diaries are referred as those instruments that could range from paper notebook to an online app. Such diaries capture the thoughts of an athlete regarding training sessions or on their performance. Reflective accounts are maintained to document consistent and accurate data of an athlete’s routine and sporting activities. Maintenance of sports- specific, training-specific and health-specific records helps athletes to review and enhance their performance. Sports diaries may help athletes to reflect on their performance and regarding the training sessions to which they...
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