
Maritime Accidents in Small-Sized Vessels Dissertation Example

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Free Maritime Accidents in Small-Sized Vessels Dissertation Example

Introduction of Engineering Dissertation Sample: Safety of life at sea has been one of the core considerations of the maritime industry. As highlighted by Greek Philosopher Anarchasis, “There are three sorts of people: those who are alive, those who are dead, and those who are at sea” (Ferraty, 2012). The proverb is still quite topical in literal and figurative senses as it sheds light on the risks associated with the sea voyages. Marine accidents have been occurring since the start of mankind’s first sea voyage. The common traditions pertaining to sea trade and voyage has become more and more systemized since the beginning of 19th century thereby resulting in improvements in navigational standards in order to reduce common maritime accidents. In this regard, different control measures were taken that includes improvements in ship navigation system, ship construction, and most importantly, standardization of onboard operations bearing the only aim of maritime accidents reduction in mind.   Background of Study: Nevertheless, life at sea has become quite viable and safe as compared to Anarchasis' time. Despite the best safety measures and efforts, maritime industry has reduced and not eliminated the potential causes leading to maritime incidents and accidents. Hence, the mortality rates are quite higher in seafaring as compared to the population living ashore. Considering the safety perspective, it is quite essential to understand the difference between the relationship of incidents and accidents. Incidents are quite commonly referred to events that do not cause any damage to life and significant property damage. However, accidents are usually fatal and can cause severe damage to vessels. As highlighted by Knudsen (2009), these increased regulations were not welcomed and highly appreciated by the seaman mainly because they were drafted by the individuals having less knowledge of seamanship and seaman life. Seamanship can further be defined as a unique...
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